About the Toolkit > What's in the Toolkit

The website uses a community-based approach.  By community, we mean any group you are part of—friends, co-workers, whānau, a sports club, etc (see FAQ).  You might have heard of community accountability or transformative justice.  Violence is never one person’s problem, it comes out of communities and affects whole communities.  We believe in using connections and caring to create strong responses, building support, breaking isolation and creating solutions.  It makes sense to work with people who are most affected by violence—people who have been harmed, their friends, whānau and community.   Even the person who caused harm can help stop that harm and change attitudes and behaviours about violence.  

If this sounds unrealistic, remember, this is how people have always kept themselves safe.  When someone needs help, the first people they usually go to are friends, family and community members.  The more information and resources we have, the better our responses will be.

There is a lot of information and tools to help you on this website.

There are sections on this website for:

There are stories from people who have responded to violence using community intervention.

There are information sections to answer questions about interpersonal violence and how to respond. 

  • About has history and background information about this website
  • FAQs answers some frequently asked questions
  • Basics gives information about the resources on this website, interpersonal violence, and how to end it
  • Resources & links has a list of resources and links that might help.

This website will not tell you what to do or give you a process to follow.  The tools are intended to support you to work out how to respond to, end or prevent violence in ways most likely to be safe and successful.