Start Intervention > People who have been harmed > Let's Begin > What support do you want?

The tools and how to use them

This topic is on the importance of supporting you, and has tools to think about what support you need.

If you haven’t already, check for Signs of immediate danger.  This might affect what you do next.

What does the person who was harmed need? Checklist  has types of support you might want or need.  It is good to share with allies because it includes things you might feel unable or afraid to ask for.

What does the person who was harmed need? Guiding Questions, helps you think about the kind of support that will help you, what you can ask for and what allies or resources might be able to offer this support.

People who were harmed have different amounts of involvement in interventions, from leading it, to no involvement.  Getting support from allies to respond to, end or prevent violence can be powerful.  Participation of the person who was harmed in an intervention chart helps you and the intervention team to understand how you could be involved.  It includes tips about how to support you even if you are not involved (or disagree) with the intervention.


Tools and examples

Real story: Getting support from my co-workers


Other sections that can help

Tools to understand the harm you experienced are in What is going on.

Who can help can be used to find the right people to support you.  Tools to co-ordinate your support with the rest of your intervention are in How do we work together.

Tools to think about safety as a form of support are in How do we stay safe

Ways to include supporting you as a goal of your intervention are in What do we want.