E kore au e ngaro, he kākano i rūia mai i Rangiātea


“Without justice there can be no love.”

bell hooks


Nau mai, haere mai, tauti mai.
This website is for people who want to stop violence that they are seeing or experiencing, but who don’t want to rely on the police and courts, social workers or agencies to help. It uses a community-based approach to stop violence.

The site contains information about interpersonal violence—where someone is hurting or has hurt someone else, and resources for people who want to end violence. Whether you have been or are being hurt, you are hurting someone, you care about those people or you see what is happening and want to help.


There are sections on this website for:

You don’t need to read everything.  Find the tools or information that help you.

Online safety

Is it safe to read this website where you are? If you need to quickly hide that you are looking at this site, the quick exit button will close this page and take you to Stuff, a news website.

Your computer will normally keep a history of pages you have looked at. Many browsers will delete that list with the shortcut ctrl+shift+del. There are detailed instructions for most browsers at Computer Hope.

If the person hurting you knows enough about computers, the safest place for you to read this may be at a library, at a friend or whanaunga's house or at work.

He Ara Mataora

If you are reading this, it is likely that you or someone you care about is being hurt by a partner, a family member, or some sort of sexual abuse. This website can help you figure out what to do to respond to and stop violence.

He Ara Mataora is based on the Creative Interventions toolkit: a practical guide to stop interpersonal violence, available for download from www.creative-interventions.orgRead more about the toolkit and this website

This website is a collaboration between Te Wānanga o Raukawa and Creative Interventions.  Additional support has come from Fulbright New Zealand and the New Zealand Lottery Grants Board.